House Hunting
Finding the right house for you , according to your preferences, to your wishes…
A good search starts with a good conversation…. with a personal meeting, in which you tell us what your dream house has to look like, and what is important to you and your family.
We start from a wish list, based on your priorities, and we try to find the house that (almost) has it all!
We make an agreement, in which you dedicate the search to Clarisimo, and we do all the rest, meaning:
start with an internet search, local street search, advertisement search…
make visits to all the properties that we think are suitable
make visits to properties that you think that are suitable (find on a web page, or seen in an advertisements)
look at the details of the properties, (state of the building, orientation, facilities, environment, views…)
report interesting visits to you directly through fotos, mail, whatsapp, video…
make a short list of the selected properties
Invite you to come and visit the properties of ‘the best selection’
guide you to visit all the properties
make an estimation of the reform cost, if needed
organize the selling process
bring you into contact with legal advisor or lawyer (if you want this) we recommend it.
organize reformation and follow up of the process until end of works
Individual approach — dedicated house hunting — transparent — time saving — open communication